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Canada's economy grows at fastest pace in 2 years

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 29 November 2013 | 21.48

CBC News Posted: Nov 29, 2013 9:14 AM ET Last Updated: Nov 29, 2013 9:42 AM ET Canada's economic growth was stronger than expected in the third quarter. Statistics Canada says the national gross domestic product grew at a 2.7 per...
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‘Scary’ number of defibrillators inaccessible to public during an emergency

They can help increase your chance of surviving a cardiac arrest by 75 per cent, but a shocking number of Canada's Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) may be inaccessible to the public during an emergency because they are locked away or not registered...
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Pot-smoking Mountie has uniform seized by RCMP

A Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer who believes he should be able to smoke medical marijuana while in uniform has had his uniform seized by fellow Mounties. Cpl. Ronald Francis, who serves with J Division in New Brunswick, told CBC News...
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The twisted legacy of the Sandy Hook shootings: Neil Macdonald

Connecticut State attorney Stephen J. Sedensky's final report on the slaughter of 26 innocents at Sandy Hook Elementary School last December is an arid, spectacularly banal piece of work, the sort of thing you'd expect from someone in his profession....
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Black Friday now part of U.S. shopping marathon

Holiday shopping this year is a marathon, not a sprint. More than a dozen major retailers from Target to Toys R Us opened on Thanksgiving Day and planned to stay open through Black Friday, the traditional start to the holiday shopping season. As a result,...
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Black Friday deals no guarantee of retail bonanza

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 28 November 2013 | 21.49

Canadian retailers are pulling out more stops this year to lure bargain-hunting shoppers on Black Friday, but the promotional blitz may not reap the bottom line rewards many stores are hoping for. From B.C. to the Atlantic provinces, malls are opening...
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Senate expense committee questioning Deloitte auditors

The Senate committee that dealt with Mike Duffy's ineligible expense claims — claims that are now the subject of an RCMP investigation — is meeting this morning to question three Deloitte auditors about potential interference in their audit....
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New Snowden docs show Canada let U.S. spy at G20

Top secret documents retrieved by U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden show that Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government allowed the largest American spy agency to conduct widespread surveillance in Canada during the 2010 G8 and G20 summits. The documents...
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Pot-smoking Mountie can't smoke in uniform, RCMP says

A Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer with a medical marijuana prescription thinks he should be able to smoke the drug while in uniform, but the RCMP says he can't smoke marijuana while in red serge or while wearing his regular working uniform....
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Comet Ison has risky encounter with sun today

If the stars align, a large comet rocketing towards the sun will be putting on a show to delight more than just the world's astronomers. The comet Ison has been on stargazers' radar since late last year when it was seen hurtling towards the sun and...
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Shipbuilding, tax havens come under auditor general's spotlight

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 26 November 2013 | 21.48

The federal government's $39.6 billion national shipbuilding procurement strategy will be in the public spotlight on Tuesday when Auditor General Michael Ferguson tables his annual fall report. The Canadian navy will retire its aging supply ships...
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CBC partners with Rogers in landmark NHL rights deal

Saturday night will remain Hockey Night in Canada on CBC. The NHL confirmed Tuesday that CBC has secured English-language rights to games in a sub-licensing agreement with Rogers Communications.  The 12-year, $5.2-billion deal through...
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Why Iran is making nice with the West: Nahlah Ayed

Negotiations go nowhere. War always returns. The U.S. and Iran are arch-enemies. For many in the Middle East, these are indisputable axioms as sure as the sun rising. No surprise then that in some quarters news of the nuclear deal between leading Western...
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How the Liberals won the great byelection showdown

Cue the excuses and the spin. The Conservatives nearly lost their safe Manitoba seat of Brandon-Souris Monday night and the NDP failed to take either one of the Liberal strongholds in Toronto (Toronto-Centre) and Montreal (Bourassa) while losing substantial...
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China aims to put robot rover on moon next month

China will land its first probe on the moon in early December which will deploy a buggy to explore its surface, an official said on Tuesday, marking a major milestone in the country's space ambitions. China has already photographed the surface of the...
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Krokodil hunt: Tracking the elusive, 'flesh-eating' street drug

Written By Unknown on Senin, 25 November 2013 | 21.48

If headlines in the past few weeks are to be believed, a "Flesh-eating 'zombie' drug" that could devour users "from the inside out" is finding its way onto American streets. Then came reports suggesting that "krokodil," a cheap and highly addictive...
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4 storylines to watch in today's byelections

Voters in three provinces are casting ballots in four federal byelections. Monday's byelections have taken on greater significance thanks to hotly contested races between the opposition NDP and Liberals in Ontario and Quebec and the controversy over...
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