Written By Unknown on Selasa, 30 September 2014 | 21.48
Luka Magnotta has admitted killing Concordia University student Jun Lin in May 2012, but his defence lawyers will spend the next few weeks attempting to convince a jury that he is not criminally responsible...
Back in July, Barack Obama signed an executive order punishing anyone responsible for some of the hideous excesses of the Congolese civil war. Hardly anyone noticed Obama's order. But for the record, the people it targets have reportedly...
Pro-democracy protesters demanded that Hong Kong's top leader meet with them on Tuesday and threatened wider actions if he did not, after he said China would not budge in its decision to limit voting reforms in the Asian financial hub. Chief...
It's a sad fact of life in Monrovia, Liberia, these days. The wail of an ambulance siren doesn't mean help is on the way. More often than not, it signals that a convoy carrying the "dead body management team" is about to arrive. On Monday, CBC...
They call out your row number and you finally get to board the plane. But before you can take a seat, you must fight through a crowded cabin to find room for your carry-on bags. You desperately open one overhead bin after another, only to discover they're...
Written By Unknown on Senin, 29 September 2014 | 21.48
It's amazing, sometimes, what you let your mind believe. After several weeks of nightly walks, I wasn't losing weight. I was deeply frustrated about that, and one night I just broke down. I felt as if the weight should be coming off, and I couldn't...
An Ontario immigration consultant is under investigation for charging foreign clients up to $25,000 to help them enter Canada to work at low-skill jobs. In at least one case, the worker arrived to find the employer no longer existed. ...
In an exclusive Canadian broadcast interview with CBC Radio's Q with Jian Ghomeshi, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange accuses Google of being "in bed" with the U.S. government for allegedly spying on him and because of the way it collects personal data....
[The CBC's senior correspondent Adrienne Arsenault, producer Stephanie Jenzer and videographer Jean-François Bisson are in Liberia's capital city of Monrovia reporting on that country's ongoing battle against the deadly Ebola virus.] Liberia's...
Ontario Provincial Police have found a missing two-year-old girl who wandered from a farm in Norwich Township near Woodstock, Ont. According to CBC reporter Kerry McKee, Brooklyn Honderich has been found safe and is currently with...
Written By Unknown on Minggu, 28 September 2014 | 21.48
Liking a political leader and wanting to vote for him or her can be two very different things. Take the example of Canada's three federal leaders. Justin Trudeau's approval ratings are high and he tops the polls on who would make the best prime minister....
With elementary school students back in class, more kids may be going home with itchy heads. That's due to the lice that get spread by the head-to-head interactions that happen frequently enough among kids that age. While the official recommendation...
While much of the world is currently focused on the threat posed by ISIS, a Pakistani couple living in exile in the United States continues to speak out about the heavy cost of Islamic fundamentalism in their homeland. Also this week on The Sunday...
On the face of it the numbers certainly look good. With every revision, the U.S. Commerce Department has upped its estimate. On Friday, its third and final assessment showed gross domestic product increasing at a healthy rate of 4.6 per cent this...
Thirty-one people were presumed dead on Sunday near the peak of a Japanese volcano that erupted unexpectedly a day earlier while it was packed with hikers out to admire autumn foliage, sending a huge cloud of ash and rock tumbling down its slopes. Police...
Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 27 September 2014 | 21.48
The world is going to have to give more and do more to fight ISIS, according to the U.S. ambassador to Canada. In an interview with CBC Radio's The House, Ambassador Bruce Heyman told Evan Solomon that the message from the United States to all of its...
Driving along Route 60 into the community of Topsail at 6:30 a.m. on Friday, with daylight slowly bringing the landscape into focus, it was hard not to notice the lights at the soccer field shining brightly onto the green artificial turf below. It was...
MOVIES Best new movies and videos for week of Sept 22: The Watchlist VIDEO This is Where I Leave You: FILM REVIEW VIDEO Love is Strange: FILM REVIEW AUDIO Tanya Tagaq on her 2014 Polaris Music Prize victory Blog Hallelujah!...