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Shock after Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 28 Februari 2015 | 21.48

A few hours after going on the radio to denounce President Vladimir Putin's policies as mad, charismatic opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was gunned down late Friday as he walked near the Kremlin. Colleagues in Russia's beleaguered and marginalized opposition...
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The McDonald's slump: Are golden days of golden arches over?

McDonald's has been making headlines lately, but for all the wrong reasons, sparking speculation that the golden years of the golden arches are over. Food industry analysts don't think McDonald's will go the way of the Woolworth's lunch counter, but...
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Was Ottawa shooter's Parliament Hill attack his Plan B?

As MPs debate a major piece of anti-terrorism legislation presented partly as a response to the Oct. 22 shootings on Parliament Hill, Canadians still know relatively little about what lay behind that attack. Certainly, the federal government seems content...
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Why Canada isn't ready to talk about ‘3-parent’ babies

A British parliamentary decision to approve a controversial fertility procedure that would produce so-called "three-parent babies" has captured the imagination of people who believe it could save lives. But experts say that a fear about "designer babies"...
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Image of 'Jihadi John' as adult emerges

The first photo to emerge of "Jihadi John" as an adult shows the 26-year-old British ISIS militant as a student at the University of Westminister in London. The photo, from student records, shows Mohammed Emwazi with a moustache and goatee and wearing...
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'Not just wilting violets': Why young women join ISIS

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 27 Februari 2015 | 21.48

Young women who become radicalized and make the trip to ISIS-controlled lands are motivated by the same reasons as male recruits, including a sense of adventure and a desire to right perceived wrongs in the Muslim world, according to experts. When...
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#TheDress colour question divides an internet

CBC News Posted: Feb 27, 2015 3:07 AM ET Last Updated: Feb 27, 2015 9:17 AM ET The internet took off like a runaway llama on Thursday night when one Tumblr user posted a picture of a dress, asking: Is this dress white and gold, or...
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Forget payday loans: Instalment loans the new high-interest debt

At a time when she should be approaching her golden years, 57-year-old grandmother Helen Parry is instead supporting two adult children on a wage that hasn't increased in eight years. "Cost of living rises but the pay doesn't and...
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Obama's problem with the words 'Islamic extremists': Neil Macdonald

A few days after the 9/11 attacks, George W. Bush began repeating what would become a mandatory presidential preamble. "The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam," he declared, then quoted from the Qur'an to make that case: "In the long run,...
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9 people reported dead in rural southwest Missouri

Nine people were found dead overnight in an apparent mass murder in rural southern Missouri, according to local media reports on Friday. Eight people were thought to be victims of one suspect who was also found dead, according to a report from KSDK...
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Man takes selfie video of Jaws of Life rescue from car crash

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 26 Februari 2015 | 21.48

A B.C. man managed to video record his own rescue from a car crash as a crew cut him free of the wreckage with the Jaws of Life. In his YouTube post, Andrew MacDonald said he was driving home from a night out in Victoria on Jan. 15 around...
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6 young Quebecers join jihadists in Syria: report

At least six young Quebecers from Laval and Montreal left the country in January to join militants in Syria, sources tell CBC/Radio-Canada. According to early information, two of them appear to be young women from Laval, while at least one of the young...
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In the Conservative war on terror, the first casualty is Parliament: Chris Hall

Fresh from limiting the parliamentary debate, at second reading, on its proposed anti-terror law, the government is now resisting opposition calls for an extensive review of Bill C-51 by the Commons committee on public safety and national security. ...
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Nude photo ban by Reddit, Google won't delete damage

The ban on sexual content that is posted online without consent – to be implemented by Reddit and Google in March – is an admirable effort, experts say, but they also paint a fairly bleak picture about its likely success at preventing further...
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Dad of man guilty in Rehtaeh Parsons case reportedly arrested in Wikipedia edits probe

The father of one of the men who pleaded guilty in the Rehtaeh Parsons case was arrested for allegedly using a computer at a Nova Scotia Canadian Forces base to make inappropriate web comments, and edit the Wikipedia entry about...
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Stephen Harper, Mohamed Fahmy and the unmade phone call

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 25 Februari 2015 | 21.48

The opposition continues to hammer away at Prime Minister Stephen Harper over his apparent refusal to directly intervene in the plight of Canadian journalist Mohamed Fahmy, who is on trial in Egypt. Opposition Leader Tom Mulcair asked Harper about the...
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Young Canadian woman recruited to join ISIS in Syria

The family of a young Canadian woman who travelled to Syria after being radicalized say losing her was the most "shocking thing in the world" and that they wish CSIS had done more to prevent the 23-year-old's departure. The woman, whom CBC News is calling...
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Hating the cold? Blame the jet stream

A persistent, quasi-stationary high pressure system off the West Coast has caused the jet stream to flow from the northwest down into the southeast, helping to bring frigid temperatures that have shattered cold weather records in Ontario and Quebec,...
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Spy agency monitors millions of Canadian emails to government

Canada's electronic spy agency collects millions of emails from Canadians and stores them for "days to months" while trying to filter out malware and other attacks on government computer networks, CBC News has learned. A top-secret document written...
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