Immigration minister to unveil new skilled trades program

Written By Unknown on Senin, 10 Desember 2012 | 21.48

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney is set to unveil the details of a new program that should speed the arrival of tradespeople in Canada whose skills are in demand.

The program will give more weight to applications from people with skills that are desperately needed in many parts of the country, particularly in the West, according to industry groups and provincial government officials.

'It was easier under the points system to get in if you had a post-doctorate degree in ancient Greek pottery as opposed to somebody who has 20 years experience as a welder or an electrician.'—Michael Atkinson, president of the Canadian Construction Association

Applicants to the skilled trades program will not have to meet the criteria of the points system used for the rest of the federal skilled worker category.

Instead, it's expected the new program will instead give weight to applicants who:

  • Have a job offer in Canada.
  • Have basic proficiency in French or English, but not at the level required by the skilled worker points system.
  • Can prove they recently worked in the trade.
  • Can show their occupation falls within the federal trade classification system.

"These changes are a great step in the right direction," said Michael Atkinson, president of the Canadian Construction Association.

Atkinson argues it's one of several necessary fixes to an immigration points system that has placed too much emphasis on white collar jobs.

"It was easier under the points system to get in if you had a post-doctorate degree in ancient Greek pottery as opposed to somebody who has 20 years experience as a welder or an electrician. So that was a problem."

Less reliance on temporary labour

Atkinson argues that more tradespeople coming into the permanent immigration stream will reduce the country's reliance on temporary labour.

"The more the skilled worker program begins to become responsive to the needs of industry and employers going forward, the less reliance there would be on the temporary foreign worker program."

The need for skilled tradespeople is particularly acute in Alberta.

It's estimated the province will need 115,000 additional workers in skilled trades over the next 10 years.

Jeanette Sutherland, manager of workforce and productivity at Calgary Economic Development, says the present system has inhibited growth across the western energy, construction, manufacturing and hospitality sectors.

"Under the current federal skilled worker program there's not enough openings," she said.

"There's quite a process employers have to go through to make sure they match Alberta certification and credentialling standards… This is really going to add to our benefit."

Alberta seeking skilled workers

Sutherland believes the new program will be geared toward the kinds of jobs that Alberta desperately needs to fill, jobs that almost never got filled through the old system: "Pipefitters, welders, a lot of those skilled trades positions that are significantly in demand."

Sutherland expressed hope the government will expand the number of places in the skilled trades program in the coming years.

And she said she hopes the new program will significantly shorten the wait time for employers who often need workers quickly to complete time-sensitive projects.

Atkinson noted that changes to the immigration system need to be combined with efforts to improve the training and apprenticeship programs available to Canadian workers.

But domestic sources won't be enough, he said, as by 2020 Canada will need an additional 320,000 skilled construction workers.

"Only about half of those are going to come from domestic sources," he said. "So not that immigration is the total answer to our future labour challenges. It's an important part."

Atkinson added that the recently announced plan to create an "expression of interest" system online that would allow prospective skilled workers to register and have their accreditation approved in advance will also move the system in the right direction for tradespeople.

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