Canada Post is changing the way it delivers mail in Canada's cities, stopping door-to-door delivery to urban residents.

The Crown corporation announced Wednesday residential delivery will be phased out, with no timeline immediately available.

The cost of a stamp will also increase, with no specific details available either.

Canada Post is expected to announce a new business plan at 10 a.m. ET.

Transport Minister Lisa Raitt said in September the idea of cutting door-to-door delivery in urban areas was worth considering in the face of $104 million in losses in the second quarter.

"That's a huge cost savings and it's those kinds of things that we want to see come to fruition," she told CBC News.

The latest Canada Post financial data show it lost $73 million in this fiscal year's third quarter compared to the same quarter in 2012.

Revenue dropped $20 million in the first three quarters of 2013 compared to the same timeframe last year.

Friday's announcement was made two weeks before Christmas, during one of the busiest delivery periods of the year.